Knowledge Essentials - 3Essentials Hosting


Article ID: 1454

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The following is a quick reference list of tools found helpful by 3Essentials administrators:


Domain Registration

  • WHOIS: see who a domain is registered through, who is the domain registrar, when it expires, and what nameservers are authoritative (generally, the hosting company).  These particular WHOIS tools do one thing that most don't... they give you both the REGISTRAR and the REGISTERED THROUGH (which is the domain registration reseller, if the domain was registered through a reseller).

IP Addresses/Networks


Encoding/Decoding tools


  • Misc - Unlock The Inbox is a swiss army knife of tools... open relay tester, IP blacklist/whitelist tester, DNS record queries, WHOIS, port scanning/testing, SPF/DK/DKIM testing, IP4 to IP6 conversion, IP range to CIDR conversion, IP geo location, etc
  • TELNET - web based telnet utility (for ssh and telnet)


  • create a file of a specific size (for testing purposes)
    • fsutil file create new (filename) (filesize)
    • example: fsutil file createnew c:\testfile.txt 10480000


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