Knowledge Essentials - 3Essentials Hosting

Postmaster General Info

Article ID: 1819

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The Postmaster category of articles within the 3Essentials knowledge area is intended for postmasters/mail administrators who are looking for information related to or troubleshooting problems sending email to 3Essentials hosted domains.

We consider it our professional responsibility to make ourselves available to other mail service providers attempting to send our email users mail.  

Rejection of Mail

3Essentials may reject mail for a variety of reasons.  The rejection message (which should be included in the bounce/delivery failure message delivered to the sender should indicate the reason code and sufficient detail to 

  • PTR: PTR is required
  • HELO: valid helo domain is required
  • SPF: if present, is checked.
  • 3rd party real time blacklists.  3Essentials uses several 3rd party blacklists such as spamhaus and spamcop.  If a mail you sent to 3Essentials was rejected for one of these, the rejection message will specify the blacklist upon which your sending IP was found.  We would refer you to the blacklist provider for details on why you were blacklisted and delisting procedures. 
  • 5.7.1 Message rejected: 3E-01 (invURLbl): Please see details here:
  • Internal blacklist: You are welcome to submit a ticket to our support department requesting details on the reason for the blacklisting.  We are happy to coordinate with you and evaluating removing blacklistings from our internal blacklists on a case by case basis.  Instructions on submitting a support request are below. 

Submit a Support Request

  • If you are a mail administrator troubleshooting problems sending mail to 3Essentials hosted mail domains, and require assistance/feedback from our side of the equation, please feel free to submit a support request.
    • PLEASE BE SURE to identify yourself as a mail administrator for a domain hosted elsewhere, attempting to send mail to 3Essentials customer. 
    • Provide sender, recipient, date and time sent, and specific details of bounce/rejection message. 
    • support reqeusts can be submitted here:


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