Below is a simple example that demonstrates how SOAP works. *3Essentials is not responsible for whether this code works or whether it is suitable for your purposes.
1. Create a file called client.asp. Place the below content in the file. Change the sURL variable to match your website. Enter as for example. Do not use HTTP or leading/trailing back slashes (/\)
Dim objHTTP
Dim strEnvelope
Dim strReturn
Dim objReturn
Dim dblTax
Dim strQuery
sURL = ""
set objHTTP = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
set objReturn = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'Create the SOAP Envelope
strEnvelope = _
"<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1"">" & _
"<SOAP:Header></SOAP:Header>" & _
"<SOAP:Body>" & _
"<m:GetSalesTax xmlns:m=""urn:myserver/soap:TaxCalculator"">" & _
"<SalesTotal>100</SalesTotal>" & _
"</m:GetSalesTax>" & _
"</SOAP:Body>" & _
response.write "SOAP Envelope is:<br><br>" & strEnvelope & "<br><br>"
'Set up to post to our local server "post", "http://" & sURL & "/soap.asp", False
'Set a standard SOAP/ XML header for the content-type
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
'Set a header for the method to be called
objHTTP.setRequestHeader "SOAPMethodName", _
'Make the SOAP call
objHTTP.send strEnvelope
'Get the return envelope
strReturn = objHTTP.responseText
'Load the return envelope into a DOM
objReturn.loadXML strReturn
'Query the return envelope
strQuery = _
dblTax = objReturn.selectSingleNode(strQuery).Text
response.write "SOAP Return Value is: <br><br>" & dblTax
2. Create another file called soap.asp. Place the below content in the file.
Set objReq = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'Load the request into XML DOM
objReq.Load Request
'Query the DOM for the input parameter
strQuery = "SOAP:Envelope/SOAP:Body/m:GetSalesTax/SalesTotal"
varSalesTotal = objReq.SelectSingleNode(strQuery).Text
'Calculate the sales tax
varSalesTax = varSalesTotal * 0.04
'Prepare the return envelope
strTmp = _
"<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap.v1"">" & _
"<SOAP:Header></SOAP:Header>" & _
"<SOAP:Body>" & _
"<m:GetSalesTaxResponse xmlns:m=""urn:myserver/soap:TaxCalc"">" & _
"<SalesTax>" & varSalesTax & "</SalesTax>" & _
"</m:GetSalesTaxResponse>" & _
"</SOAP:Body>" & _
'Write the return envelope
Response.Write strTmp
3. Upload both files to your website
4. launch a browser and point to the client.asp file. You will see the SOAP Envelope post to the soap.asp page and display a return value. |