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Connecting to MSSQL 2000 server through SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager

Article ID: 245

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Steps for connecting to MSSQL 2000 server through Secure Enterprise Manager

The MSSQL user(Secure Enterprise Manager) is not enabled for your domain by default. You will have to submit a separate ticket for it to the support team, so that the feature can be enabled from our end. Make sure that your plan  supports this feature.  Contact support if you are unsure about this feature for your domain. We allow only Secure connections to our MSSQL server. All data and logins are encrypted.  The MSSQL databases are stored in

Connecting through Secure Enterprise Manager is  a two step process.
I. Establish a secure to connection
II.Connect to the SQL server.

I.There are two ways by which you secure your connection.(Use Only one)

A. Using Tunnelier:

1. Visit to download the Tunnelier client, make sure to read their licensing agreement to determine if you need to purchase the client or if you can use their free version.Install it.
2. You need to create a tunnelier profile first for the MSSQL connection
3. Open the Bitvise Tunnelier, On the main Window, in the space for the host type in your server address where your web space is hosted(eg:,4,6,8,10,12)
4. For Authentication,use your ftp user name and password.(initial method should be password).Refer your Welcome e-mail for the credentials.
5. Port No should be 22, SSPI/Kerberos 5 should be checked. All other fields can be left blank
6. Click on the tab called C2S Forwarding,Make sure that you have the tabs as follows:
Status->enabled, Listen Interface ->, List.Port ->1434 ,Destination Port ->,Dest Port ->1433, Comment->web8
7. Save the profile. Click on Login
8. Host Verification Window will pop up-Click on Accept and Save
9. User Authentication banner will pop up,close the banner,
10 .A message saying ' Initializing client-side client-2-server forwarding on succeeded.' verifies the successful connection.Minimize the tunnelier.

Note: If you are not able to connect to create a profile for tunnelier,let us know,we'll create one and send it to you

B: Using Plink:

   1. Download PLINK.EXE from the downloads section of this article
   2. There's no install for plink, simply put it where ever you wish. If you put it into your windowssystem32 folder, you'll then be able to access it from anywhere without having to specify the path.
   3. Open a command prompt on your local system (Click Start > Run > then type cmd > Click OK.)
   4. Initialize the connection by running the following in the CMD prompt:
      plink.exe      and press Enter )(X=2,4,6,8,10,12)
   5. If this is the first time you have connected using plink you will get prompted to accept the key, type y or yes and press .
   6. Close the plink command window. (click the X in top right corner)

That completes the initial setup. Next, you launch an SSH Tunnel from your system to ours:

   1. Open a command prompt on your PC (Start>Run> type CMD).
   2. In the CMD prompt execute the following command:
      plink.exe -ssh -l FTPUSER -pw FTPPASSWORD -L -batch -N )(X=2,4,6,8,10,12)
       a.replace FTPUSER with your ftp username
       b.replace FTPPASSWORD with your ftp password
       c.Make sure to type this whole command on one line (it can wrap, just don't hit until you have the whole command in).
       d.NOTE: The -l is a lower case "L"
   3. You should receive a successful connection message.
      Note: Leave the command window open, do not close the window. plink must be running and connected while you are using the connection.

The secure connection is now setup.Let's now connect through the Enterprise Manager

II. Connecting through Enterprise Manager:

When you configure the MSSQL front end(Enterprise Manager), make sure you use these values for the following parameters:

Please note:
1. is your webserver where your domain is physically hosted(X=2,4,6,8,10,12)
2. is the MSSQL database server that holds the database that you've created from Plesk.

A. Configuring MS SQL Client Network Utility:

1.Server alias:
2.Server name:
3.Port number: 1434
4.Network libraries: TCP/IP

B. Next Create New SQL Server Registration using the Client Network Alias

1.Click Start->Programs->Microsoft SQL Server->Enterprise Manager
2.Right Click SQL Server Groups and choose New SQL Server Registration
3.In the Registered SQL Server Properties Dialog box, click the button with '...' next to the Server Drop Down Menu and choose ""

C. Choose SA(SQL Server authentication) and NOT Windows authentication as the login type.
Type in your MSSQL user name and password there and click on Login Enter the Database User name and password that you created in the PLESK control panel for your database

You will be able to see your database and can add/edit your database.Please contact support if you need further assistance.

Q. Can I make a similar connection using MS Access using a local ODBC, and then through that be able to create linked tables on my local Access DB tables in my db on your ms sql server?
A. yes, this works just like someone connecting with MSSQL mgmt studio through the tunnel, with one minor variation... instead of this:

Mgmt Studio =localhost:1434=> tunnelier ==SSH==> webserver ==forwards 1433=>

it looks like this

MS Access ====> ODBC ==localhost:1434==> tunnelier ==SSH==> webserver ==forwards 1433=>

3Essentials support will need to enable access to this feature, and can provide a tunnelier configuration file ready for you to use.  The only differences you'll have are you'll need to:

- configure ms access to point to the ODBC connection
- configure your ODBC connection to connect to localhost:1434 (i.e., this is piece that is like the mgmt studio connection alias)
Downloads Associated With This Article : Plink SSH tunnel client