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Setting file/folder permissions from Plesk control panel for Linux

Article ID: 483

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Linux represents the permission in three user levels
  1. Owner(user corresponding to domain)
  2. Group
  3. Others
When you upload web content through File Manager or FTP,  Plesk control panel automatically sets the appropriate access permissions for files and directories. The permissions are represented as three sets of symbols, for example, 'rwx rwx r-x'.

  •  The first set tells what the owner of the file or directory can do with it
  • The second tells what the user group, the file or directory belongs to, can do with the file or directory
  • The third set indicates what other users (the rest of the world, i.e. Internet users visiting a site) can do with the file or directory. R means the permission to read the file or directory, W means the permission to write to the file or directory, and X means the permission to execute the file or look inside the directory.
Eg:  'rwx rwx r-x' means:
rwx - First three bits for Owner:(here full permission). In digital representation it corresponds to digit 7.(4+2+1)
rwx -  Second three bits for group(here also full permission).  In digital representation it corresponds to digit 7.(4+2+1)
r-x   -  Others group(Those not included in Owner and group) Read and execute with no write permission.. In digital representation it corresponds to digit 5.(4+0+1)
So in total 'rwx rwx r-x'. means 775

To assign permissions through Plesk on Linux(web5 or web7):
For users on Plesk for Linux(web5 and web7)
  1. Login to Plesk control panel using the URL   X=5,7(Refer welcome email for credentials)
  2. Click on the domain name for which you want to change the permission.
  3. Click on the File Manager icon, You will see a few folders like private,httpdocs,httpsdocs
  4. Click on the httpdocs folder.You will mostly need to set permission for the files/folders inside the httpdocs folder, which is the root folder of your domain.
  5. Decide the file/folder you want to set permission,and towards the right side of that you can see the link with read,write,execute bits(e.g rw- r-- r--),Click on that link
On the new page opened you can see three tabs like:

Read mode
Write mode
Execute/Search mode

 Assign the permission to the Owner,Groups and Others according to your needs. Once you assigned click OK to save the change. Usually  files created like .html or .php needs 'rwxr--r--'(644) permission and for directory 'rwxr-xr-x'(755)permission. For .pl or .cgi scripts it needs 755 permission on the script
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